

单词 mean
释义 meanmeansmeantmeaningmeanmean1 /miːn/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle meant /ment/)1to have a particular meaning or idea: What does that word mean?do那个单词是什么意思?mean (that)The red light means the battery is flat.meanbe红灯亮起表示电池用完了。2to intend to express a particular idea or feeling when you say somethingmean (that)I meant we’d be coming later.meancomelate我的意思是说我们以后再来。I don’t quite see what you mean (=I don’t understand what you are trying to say).我不是很明白你的意思。(do) you mean ...? (=used to check that you understand what someone intended to say)Do you mean I should go?shall你是说我应该去吗?He didn’t really mean it when he said he loved me.saylove他说爱我并不是认真的。I meant what I said.meansay我的话是认真的。Julie seems rude but she means well (=intends to be kind and helpful).seemmean朱莉显得很无礼﹐但她是好意的。3to intend to do something or make something happenmean to do somethingI’ve been meaning to call you.bemean我一直想打电话给你。She didn’t mean to upset you.她并不是故意要惹你生气。mean somebody/something to do somethingI never meant this to happen.mean我绝不想发生这样的事。It was meant to be a joke.bemean这原本是一个玩笑。mean (for) somebody to do something especially American English: I didn’t mean for her to get hurt.我并没有打算让她受到伤害。THESAURUS intend4to cause something or make it likely to happenmean (that)Those clouds mean that it will snow.cloud那些云朵意味着要下雪。mean doing somethingThe job will mean travelling.travel这份工作需要出差。5used to say how important something is to youmean something to somebodyThat medal meant a lot to Dad.mean那枚奖牌对爸爸意义重大。PhrasesI mean spoken used to correct or explain more about something you have just said: She plays the violin, I mean the viola.play她拉小提琴﹐我的意思是中提琴。She’s just so nice. I mean, she’s a kind person.她真的很好﹐我的意思是她是个好人。mean business informal if you mean business, you are very determined to do something: He knocked firmly on the door to show he meant business.knockmean他重重地敲门,表明他是认真的。be meant for somebody/something to be intended for a particular person or purpose: The chocolate was meant for Mum.bemean巧克力是给妈妈的。be meant to be something if something is meant to be good, exciting etc, people say that it is good, exciting etc: His latest book is meant to be really good.latebemean都说他的新书非常好。be meant to do something if you are meant to do something, you should do it: The police are meant to protect us.bemean警察应该保护我们。You’re meant to inform the school if you change your address.mean如果更改地址﹐你要通知学校。what do you mean ...? spoken1used when you do not understand what someone is trying to say: What did you mean when you wrote that?dowrite你那样写是什么意思?2used when you are surprised and annoyed by what someone has just said: What do you mean, you sold the car?sell你是什么意思﹐你把车卖了?




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