

单词 along
释义 alongalongalong2 adverb1going forward: I was driving along, listening to the radio.bedrivelisten我一边开车﹐一边听着广播。2with youtake/bring somebody/something alongDo you mind if I bring a friend along?你介意我带个朋友一起来吗?go along/come alongWe’re going to a party – you’re welcome to come along!go我们要去参加派对,欢迎你一起去。 ➔ all along at all2Phrasesalong with in addition to someone or something else: Diane was chosen for the job along with three other people.bechoose黛安和其他三个人一起被选中做这项工作。be along/come along to arrive: The next bus should be along in a minute.shall下一班公共汽车应该马上就到。get along/come along to develop or make progress: How are you getting along in your new job?beget你新的工作干得怎么样?Your English is coming along very well.become你的英语进步很大。




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