

单词 by
释义 bybyby /baɪ/ adverb, preposition1used to show who did something or what caused something, especially after a passive verb: a film made by Steven Spielbergmake史蒂文∙斯皮尔伯格制作的一部电影Sylvie was hit by a car.be西尔维被车撞了。a book/song/painting etc by somebodya play by Shakespeare莎士比亚写的剧本2used to say what means or method you use to do something: Send it by airmail.把它用航空邮递寄出。Hold it by the handle.抓着它的把手。by doing somethingCarol earns extra money by babysitting.earnbabysit卡罗尔给人照看孩子挣外快。by car/plane/train/bus etcWe travelled across India by train.travel我们乘火车穿越印度。THESAURUS travel3beside or near something: We sat by the river.sit我们坐在河边。4not later than a particular time: Your report has to be done by 5:00.havedo你的报告必须在五点钟之前写完。THESAURUS before5by mistake/accident/chance without intending to do something: Hugh locked the door by mistake.lock修不小心把门锁上了。6according to something: By law, you must be over 16 to marry.按照法律﹐必须年满 16 岁才能结婚。It’s 9.30 by my watch.我的手表现在是 9 点 30 分。 7past: Sophie ran by me on her way to the bus.run苏菲从我的身边跑过﹐去赶公共汽车。Two cars went by, but nobody stopped.cargostop两辆汽车开过﹐但没有人停下来。8used to give the measurements of something, or to multiply and divide numbers: The room is 14 feet by 12 feet.befootfoot这个房间长 14 英尺,宽 12 英尺。What’s 7 multiplied by 8?multiply7 乘以 8 是多少?by the day/metre/hundred etc (=used to show how the amount of something is measured)Anne gets paid by the hour.getpay安妮按小时计酬。 ➔ by the way at way1Phrases(all) by yourself completely alone: They left the boy by himself for two days!leaveday他们让那个男孩一个人待了两天!by and large used when you are talking generally about something: By and large, I agree with what he said.say总的来说﹐我同意他说的话。by day/by night during the day or night: animals that hunt by nightanimal夜间捕食的动物day by day/bit by bit/one by one etc used to mean gradually: Day by day, he grew weaker.growweak他的身体一天比一天虚弱。THESAURUS: bydifferent ways of travellinggo by car/bus/plane etc to travel in a car, plane etc: Did you go by car?dotake the train/bus/ferry etc to travel by train or another form of public transport: Adam took the train to Scotland.takedrive to travel in a car: What about driving down to the sea for the day?drivefly to travel in a plane: My mother is afraid of flying.beflysail to travel in a ship or boat: We sailed from Malta to Alexandria.sailbefore earlier than something happens, or than someone else: I was very nervous before the interview.beStella got married before me.getmarryby not later than a particular time or date: I’ll be home by 6 o’clock.Hand your essays in by Friday.essaypreviously before now, or before a time in the past: He’s been married twice previously.bemarryThe disease was previously unknown here.bein advance/beforehand if you do something in advance, you do it before something happens, so that you are ready for it: You should book your tickets well in advance.shallticketLet me know beforehand when you will be arriving.arriveformerly formal in the past: The country was formerly known as Rhodesia.beknow




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