

单词 story
释义 storystoriesstorystory /ˈstɔːri/ noun [countable] (plural stories)1a description of imaginary events and people, which is intended to entertain peoplestory ofthe story of Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与茱丽叶的故事story aboutIt’s a story about a princess.这是一个关于一位公主的故事。2an account of events that have really happened: The film was based on a true story.bebase 这部影片是根据真实的故事改编的。He’s writing his life story.write他正在写自传。3a report in a newspaper or news programme about something that has happened: a front-page story in the ‘Times’time《泰晤士报》的头版新闻报道4an explanation of how or why something has happened, which may be untrue: Do you believe his story?你相信他的故事吗?What’s your side of the story (=your personal explanation)?你的解释是什么?the full/whole story (=all the facts)I don’t think you’re telling us the whole story.tell我觉得你没有把一切都告诉我们。5the American spelling of storey ➔ horror story, sob storyPhrasesit’s a long story spoken used to say that something will take too long to explain: It’s a long story – I’ll tell you later.late这事说来话长—我以后再告诉你。to cut a long story short spoken used when you want to finish explaining something quickly: To cut a long story short, she’s leaving him.leave长话短说吧﹐她要离开他。COLLOCATIONS: storyverbsto tell a storyHe told the children a story about a giant.tellchild ► Do not say ‘say a story’. Say tell a story.to read a storyMummy, will you read me a bedtime story?to write a storyThe story was written by Richard Yates.bewritetypes of storya short storyHe has published two collections of short stories.havepublishcollectionstorya love story‘Jane Eyre’ is one of the greatest love stories of all time.begreatstorya children’s storyShe was like a wicked stepmother in a children’s story.bechilda fairy story (=a children’s story in which magical things happen)The film is based on the fairy story ‘Cinderella’.bebasean adventure storyan exciting adventure story for childrenexcitechilda detective storyMost detective stories are about a murder.storybea ghost storyThey sat round the fire telling ghost stories.sittellstorya horror story (=a story about violent and frightening things)Horror stories give me bad dreams.storydreama bedtime story (=a story that you read to a child before they go to sleep)He remembered his mother reading him a bedtime story.rememberreada classic story (=old and admired by many people, or typical and good )a classic story about a little girl who falls down a rabbit holefallTHESAURUS: storystory a description of imaginary events and people, intended to entertain people: She writes crime stories.writestoryfairy tale a children’s story in which magical things happen: an old witch from a fairy talemyth a story, especially about ancient gods or explaining a natural or historical event. It is completely untrue: Greek mythsmythlegend an old story, especially about a famous person or a place. It sometimes has a part that is true: an Indian legend about a girl who died protecting the trees that surrounded her villagedieprotecttreesurroundepic a story told in a long book, film, or poem, especially about events in history: an epic about the Spanish Civil War




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