

单词 special
释义 specialspecialerspecialistspecialspecial1 /ˈspeʃəl/ adjective different from other things or people in some way and often better or more important: a special friend特别的朋友special facilities for disabled studentsfacilitydisablestudent供残疾学生使用的特殊设施anything/something/nothing specialI want to do something special for my birthday. 我要在我生日那天做点特别的事情。Tonight is a very special occasion.be 今晚是非常特别的一晚。This plant needs special attention.need 这种植物需要特别照料。He’s got his own special chair.get 他有自己专用的椅子。We try to make every child feel special.我们尽量让每个孩子都觉得自己是特别的。




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