

单词 air
释义 airairsairair1 /eə $ er/ noun1gas we breathe [uncountable] the gases around the Earth, which we breathe: Let’s go outside and get some fresh air.我们到外面去透透气吧。in the airThere was a smell of burning in the air.beburn空气中有一股焦味。2above the ground if something is in the air, it is in the space above the groundin/into the airDavid threw the ball up into the air.throw戴维把球扔到空中。The plane was already in the air.be飞机已经升空。3planes air travel/safety etc travel, safety etc involving or relating to planes: the world’s worst air disasterill世界上最严重的一场空难4quality [singular] a quality that someone or something seems to haveair ofThere was an air of mystery about her.be她身上有种神秘感。5feeling important airs [plural] a way of behaving that shows someone thinks they are more important than they really are: You shouldn’t have to put on airs with your own friends.airfriend你不应该在自己朋友面前也要摆架子。 ➔ hot air, midair, in the open air at open1, thin air at thin1Phrasesby air travelling by or using a plane: Most people travel to the islands by air.island大部分人乘飞机去那些岛屿。be in the air1to be likely to happen very soon: Romance is in the air.be浪漫故事就要发生了。2if a feeling is in the air, a lot of people have it: There was a tension in the air.be有一种紧张的气氛。be on/off (the) air to be broadcasting or not broadcasting on television or radio: The radio station is temporarily off air.be电台暂时停播。be up in the air if something is up in the air, no one has made a decision about it yet: The decision about expanding the airport is still up in the air.expandbe扩建机场的事仍未决定。COLLOCATIONS: airadjectivesfresh air I felt better when I was outside in the fresh air.feelwellbeclean air These plants only grow where the air is clean.plantbepolluted airIn the rush hour, the air is very polluted.bepollutewarm/hot airWarm air rises.risecool/cold airIt was October, and the air was turning colder.bebeturncoldclear airAfter the rain, the air was amazingly clear.bedamp/humid airDamp air causes condensation.causestale air (=not fresh)The room was full of stale air and tobacco smoke.benoun + airsea/mountain/country airI breathed in the cool mountain air.breathethe salty smell of the sea airthe morning/evening/night airWe could smell flowers on the evening air.canflowerevenair + nounair pollutionForests are badly affected by air pollution.forestbeaffectair qualityAir quality in the city has seriously declined.havedeclinean air current (also a current of air)The kite rose up on a current of air.risea blast of air (=a sudden strong movement of air)As they opened the door, a blast of cold air hit them.open




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