

单词 again
释义 againagainagain /əˈgen, əˈgeɪn $ əˈgen/ adverb1one more time: Could you say that again? I didn’t hear.can你能再说一遍吗? 我没听见。I’ll never go there again.我再也不会去那里了。yet/once again (=used to emphasize that something has happened before)He had to apologize yet again.have 他只得再一次道歉。The cake burned so we had to start all over again (=from the beginning).burnhave蛋糕烤焦了﹐我们只好从头再来。2back to the same condition, situation, or place as before: I’ll come and see you when I’m well again.等我身体好了我去看你。It’s great to have you home again.太好了﹐你又回家了。Phrasesagain and again many times: He read the letter again and again.他一遍又一遍地读那封信。THESAURUS oftenthen/there again spoken used to add a fact that is different from what you have just said or makes it seem less true: I prefer showers but then again I do like having a bath occasionally.showerhave我喜欢淋浴﹐不过偶尔泡个澡我也是很喜欢的。




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