

单词 stop
释义 stopstopsstoppedstoppingstopstop1 /stɒp $ stɑːp/ verb (past tense and past participle stopped, present participle stopping)1not move [intransitive and transitive] not to walk or move any more, or to make someone or something do this: Stop, come back!站住﹐回来!We were stopped at the gate by security guards.bestopguard 我们在大门口被保安人员拦住。stop at/outside/in etcOur driver stopped the car outside the hotel.stop我们的司机把车停在酒店的外面。watch/clock has stopped (=is not working)2not continue [intransitive and transitive] not to continue, or to make someone or something not continue: Has the rain stopped yet?havestop雨停了吗?What time do you stop work (=finish working at the end of the day)?你什么时候下班?The referee stopped the fight.stop 裁判终止了拳击比赛。stop doing something (=not do something any more)Everyone stopped talking when she came in.stoptalkcome 她一进来﹐大家都闭口不说话了。stop somebody doing somethingI couldn’t stop her crying.cry 我无法让她停止哭泣。stop it/that spoken (=used to tell someone to stop doing something annoying)Stop it! You’re hurting me.hurt住手! 你弄疼我了!3pause [transitive] to pause in order to do something before you continuestop forDo we need to stop for petrol?我们需要停下来加油吗?I worked for three hours before stopping for a break.workhourstop 我干了三小时才停下来休息。stop to do somethingShe stopped to light a cigarette.stop 她停下来点了根烟。stop and do somethingLet’s stop and look at the view. 我们停一停看看风景吧。a bus/train etc stops (=stops so that you can get off)Does this train stop at Reading?doread这班火车停靠雷丁吗?4prevent [transitive] to prevent someone from doing something, or something from happening: efforts to stop the spread of AIDSeffortaid防止艾滋病蔓延的努力He’s decided to go and you can’t stop him.decide 他已经决定要去﹐你拦不住他的。stop somebody/something (from) doing somethingWith small kids you can’t stop the place from being untidy.kidbe 有小孩子家里没办法不乱。stop yourself (from) doing somethingI couldn’t stop myself laughing.laugh我忍不住笑出声来。5cheque [transitive] if you stop a cheque, you tell the bank not to pay it to someone: I’ve asked the bank to stop the cheque.ask我已要求银行不要兑付那张支票。Phrasesstop short of (doing) something to decide not to do something, although you almost do it: Tom stopped short of calling her a liar.stopcall汤姆就差没叫她骗子。will/would stop at nothing (to do something) to be ready to do anything to achieve something that is important to you, even if it is dangerous or illegal: We will stop at nothing in our fight against terrorism.我们将尽一切努力对抗恐怖主义。Phrasal verbsstop by phrasal verb to make a short visit to a friend: It was nice of Judy to stop by.be朱迪真好﹐到家里来坐了坐。stop by somethingI stopped by her house yesterday.stop我昨天去她家里坐了坐。stop off phrasal verb to make a short visit to a place while you are going somewhere elsestop off at/inWe stopped off at the supermarket on the way home.stop我们在回家路上去了一趟超级市场。stop over phrasal verb to stop somewhere and stay there for a short time before continuing a long journeystop over at/inThe plane stopped over in Dubai.stop飞机中途在迪拜作短暂停留。Grammar: stop doing something or stop to do something?You use stop doing something when someone stops doing something, or something stops happening: He’s stopped calling me.stopcall他不再打电话给我了。It’s stopped raining.stoprain雨停了。You use stop to do something when saying that someone pauses in order to do something else: We stopped to admire the view.stop我们停下来观赏风景。They stopped to have a rest.stop他们停下来休息一会儿。THESAURUS: stopstop doing somethingstop to not do something any longer: Stop annoying me!annoypause to stop speaking or doing something for a short time before starting again: He paused briefly, then continued with his speech.pausecontinuehave/take a break to stop working, studying, or driving for a short time in order to rest: I’ll finish this essay, then take a break.quit especially American English informal to stop doing something: Tell him to quit complaining.complaingive something up to stop doing something, especially something that you have been doing for a long time: She’s trying to give up smoking.trysmokestop happeningstop to not happen any longer: Why has the music stopped?havestopcome to an end to stop – used about something that has continued for a long time: His career was coming to an end.becomecease formal to stop: The fighting ceased.fightceasestop movingstop to stop moving: He stopped to look at a poster.stopcome to a halt especially written to move more slowly and then stop – used about a vehicle: The bus came to a halt outside the school.comepull up to stop close to something – used about a vehicle or its driver: We heard a car pulling up at the gate.hearpullHis dad had pulled up on the other side of the road.havepull




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