

单词 appreciate
释义 appreciateappreciatesappreciatedappreciatingappreciateappreciate AC /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ verb [transitive]1to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone’s feelings are: He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.dosign他没有完全意识到签订这个合同的重要性。appreciate that/how etcI don’t think you appreciate how busy I am.be我想你是不知道我有多忙。2to be grateful for something: Aunt Kate really appreciated the card you sent.appreciatesend凯特婶婶非常感谢你寄的卡片。I’d appreciate it if you came along tonight (=please come).come如果你今晚能来的话﹐我将十分感谢。3to understand how good or useful someone or something is: The Americans, however, appreciated his talents.appreciatetalent然而﹐美国人却欣赏他的才华。




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