

单词 astonished
释义 astonishedastonishedastonished /əˈstɒnɪʃt $ əˈstɑː-/ adjective very surprisedastonished at/byWe were astonished at her ignorance.beastonish我们对她的无知十分惊讶。astonished thatHe was quite astonished that she actually agreed.beastonishagree他很惊讶﹐她竟然同意了。astonished to see/learn/discover etcI was astonished to discover she was younger than me.beastonishbeyoung我惊讶地发现她比我小。—astonishastonishesastonishedastonishingastonish verb [transitive]: The result astonished everyone.astonish这个结果让每个人都很吃惊。THESAURUS: astonishedsurprised having a feeling of surprise: Are you surprised to see me?besurpriseshocked surprised and upset by something unpleasant: I was shocked when I heard he’d died.beshockheardieamazed/astonished extremely surprised: I was amazed by her strength.beamazeHe was astonished at how difficult it was to open the door.beastonishbeI’m amazed that you remembered.amazerememberstartled surprised and often a little frightened, because something has suddenly happened, or someone has just said something: He had a startled expression on his face.havestartleThe birds are easily startled.birdbestartletaken aback surprised by what someone says or does, so that you are not sure how to react: The man seemed a little taken aback by her question.seemtakespeechless so surprised that you do not know what to say: My mother was speechless when I told her that I was pregnant.betellbe




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