

单词 meet
释义 meetmeetsmetmeetingmeetmeet /miːt/ verb (past tense and past participle met /met/)1by arrangement [intransitive and transitive] to be at the same place as someone else because you have arranged it: I’ll meet you at 8 o’clock.我八点钟与你碰面。We’ll meet at the theatre.我们在剧院碰头。meet (somebody) for somethingLet’s meet for lunch.我们一起吃午饭吧。2by chance [intransitive and transitive] to see and speak to someone without planning it: Guess who I just met?meet猜猜我刚才碰到谁了?We met while we were both shopping in town, and decided to go for a coffee.meetbeshopdecide我们俩都在镇上购物的时候碰到﹐于是就决定去喝杯咖啡。3for the first time [intransitive and transitive] to see and talk to someone for the first time: We first met at a party.meet我们是在一个晚会上初次相识的。I met my husband at school.meet我是在中学里认识我丈夫的。nice/pleased to meet you spoken (=used when you meet someone for the first time)‘This is my sister Jane.’ ‘Pleased to meet you.’beplease“这是我的姐姐﹐简。”“很高兴认识你。”4at an airport/station etc [transitive] to be waiting for someone when they arrive at an airport, station etc: Dad came to meet us at the station.come爸爸到车站来接我们。meet somebody off a train/plane etcA friend’s meeting her off the boat.meet一个朋友将接她下船。5join [intransitive and transitive] if two things meet, they join or touch: the place where the path meets the roadmeet小路和大路相接的地方His eyebrows meet in the middle.eyebrow他的眉毛在眉心相连。6group of people [transitive] if a group of people meet, they come together to do something: The chess club meets every Tuesday.meet象棋俱乐部每个星期二聚会。7in a competition [intransitive and transitive] to play against someone in a competition: Leeds will meet Liverpool on Saturday.利兹联队将于周六和利物浦队交锋。The two teams haven’t met since last season.teammeet这两支球队自从上个赛季以后就没有交过手。8be good enough meet a need/demand/requirement etc to be good enough to do what someone needs, wants, or expects: She didn’t meet the requirements for the job.requirement她不符合做这份工作的条件。beaches that meet European standards of cleanlinessbeachstandard达到欧洲清洁标准的海滩9provide money meet a cost/expense etc to provide the money for something: Many families have difficulty meeting the cost of university education.familymeet许多家庭支付子女的大学教育费用都有困难。Phrasal verbsmeet up phrasal verb to meet someone in order to do something together: Let’s meet up later.late我们过一会儿碰头。meet up withI’m planning to meet up with my brother.plan我打算和我的兄弟碰个面。meet with somebody/something phrasal verb1to have a meeting with someone: The President met with European leaders today.meetleader总统今天会见了欧洲各国领导人。2to get a particular reaction or result: The plans have met with widespread opposition.planmeet这几项计划遭到普遍反对。Our efforts have so far met with little success.effortmeet我们的努力至今几无成效。




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