

单词 mind
释义 mindmindsmindedmindingmindmind2 verb1[intransitive and transitive] to feel annoyed or upset about something: It was raining, but we didn’t mind.berain天下着雨﹐但我们也不在意。Do you think she’d mind if we didn’t come?你认为如果我们不来她会介意吗?mind (somebody) doing somethingDo you mind having to work so late?have你介意要工作到这么晚吗?2[transitive] to look after someone or something for a short time: Could you mind my bag?can你能帮我看看包吗?3mind! British English spoken used to warn someone to be careful of something: Mind the step!当心台阶!Mind you don’t hit your head.小心别撞着头!Phrasesdo/would you mind? spoken used to ask politely if you can do something, or if someone will do something: Do you mind if I use your phone?我用一下你的电话行吗?Would you mind waiting a moment?willwait你稍等一会儿好吗?I don’t mind especially British English used to say that you are happy to accept whatever someone else decides: ‘Orange or apple juice?’ ‘I don’t mind.’“要橙汁还是苹果汁?”“我无所谓。”mind what/who/whereI don’t mind where we go.我们去哪里我无所谓。I wouldn’t mind ... spoken used to say that you would like something: I wouldn’t mind another cup of coffee.我想再来一杯咖啡。mind you used to add more information to what you have just said: It’s a beautiful house. Mind you, it cost enough.房子是漂亮﹐不过够贵的。mind your own business spoken to not ask questions about a situation that does not involve you: ‘So did he kiss you?’ ‘Mind your own business!’do“那么他吻你了吗?”“少管闲事!”never mind spoken used to tell someone not to worry, or that something is not important: ‘I’m sorry I’m so late.’ ‘Never mind.’“对不起﹐我来得这么晚。”“没关系。”not mind doing something to be willing to do something: I don’t mind driving if you’re tired.drivetire如果你累了﹐我来开车也行。Phrasal verbsmind out phrasal verb British English spoken used to warn someone to move out of the way




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