

单词 then
释义 thenthenthen1 /ðen/ adverb1at a particular time in the past or future: I was still at university then.be 我那时还在上大学。by/until/since thenHe’s coming at eight, but I’ll have left by then.comeleave他八点会来﹐但那时我已经走了。Just then (=at that exact moment) I heard the door open.hear就在那时我听到门开了。2used to say what happens next: We had lunch and then went shopping.havegoshop我们吃了午餐﹐然后去购物。3used to say what the result of something will be: Have something to eat now, then you won’t be hungry later.winlate 现在吃点东西吧﹐那么稍后你就不会饿了。If the others want to go, then I’ll go too.如果其他的人想去﹐那我也去。4spoken used when you are adding something to what has been said before: He’s in bed? Is he not very well then?be他在床上?他不舒服吗?If you can’t come on Friday, then how about Saturday?如果你星期五不能来﹐那星期六怎么样? ➔ but then (again) at but1, (every) now and then at now1Phrasesnow/OK/right then spoken used when you have finished talking about one subject and want to end the conversation or talk about something else: Right then, shall we go?那好吧﹐我们走吗?OK then, I’ll see you tomorrow.那好吧﹐我们明天见。then and there/there and then immediately: He demanded the money there and then.demand他坚决要求立即拿到那笔钱。




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