

单词 mistake
释义 mistakemistakesmistakemistake1 /məˈsteɪk/ noun [countable]1something that is wrong or has been done in the wrong way ➔ error: Ivan’s work is full of spelling mistakes.bespellmistake伊凡的作业全是拼写错误。2something you do that is not sensible or has a bad result: It’s your decision, but I warn you – you’re making a mistake.make这是你的决定﹐但是我提醒你 — 你这是错误的。I made the mistake of giving him my phone number.makegivenumb我犯了个错﹐把自己的电话号码告诉了他。Marrying Julie was a big mistake.marrybe娶了朱莉是个大错。It would be a mistake to underestimate Moya’s ability.will低估莫亚的能力可不明智。Phrasesby mistake without intending to do something SYN accidentally OPP on purpose: Someone must have left the door open by mistake.leave一定是有人疏忽﹐没有关门。COLLOCATIONS: mistakeverbsto make a mistakeWe may have made a mistake in our calculations.makecalculation ► Do not say ’do a mistake’. Say make a mistake.to correct a mistakeShe read through the letter, correcting his mistakes.correctmistaketo realize your mistakeI stopped as soon as I realized my mistake.stoprealizeto admit your mistakeIt is better to admit your mistake and apologize.bewellmistakes happenWe’re very careful, but mistakes can happen.mistakeadjectivesa little/small mistakeEven a small mistake could cause problems.canproblema serious mistakeHe realized he had made a serious mistake.realizehavemakea silly/stupid mistakeYour work is full of silly mistakes.bemistakea common mistakeThis is one of the commonest mistakes learners make.becommonmistakelearneran easy mistake (to make)It’s an easy mistake to make.an honest mistake (=a mistake, and not a deliberate action)He admitted breaking the law, but said it was an honest mistake.admitbreaksaybenoun + mistakea spelling mistakeShe spotted two spelling mistakes in the article.spotspellmistakeTHESAURUS: mistakemistake something that is wrong or has been done in the wrong way: I made a mistake – her name is Cleo, not Chloe.makebea spelling mistakespellerror formal a mistake: The report was full of errors.beerrora grammatical errora computer errorbooboo informal a mistake when you are saying or doing something, especially an embarrassing one: I think I just made a booboo. I forgot to save the file.makeforgethowler British English a very bad mistake: The goalkeeper made some dreadful howlers.makehowlermisprint a mistake in something that is printed: There was a misprint in the article.betypo informal a mistake in something typed or printed: Make sure there are no typos in your work.betypoa slip of the tongue a mistake in which you accidentally say the wrong word: I’m sorry, it was a slip of the tongue. I meant to say ‘thirteen’, not ‘thirty’.bemeanmix-up a mistake caused by confusion about details or arrangements: There was a mix-up and the invitation went to the address.bego




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