

单词 quite
释义 quitequitequite /kwaɪt/ adverb1especially British English fairly or very, but not extremely SYN pretty: She’s quite tall for her age.以她这个年龄﹐她算是蛮高的。The food in the canteen is usually quite good.be 那食堂的饭菜通常很不错。Butch is out of the hospital and doing quite well.bedo 布奇出院了﹐身体状况很好。quite a somethingThey live quite a long way from the nearest town.near他们住的地方离最近的小镇很远。quite like/enjoy British English: I quite enjoyed that film.enjoy我很喜欢那部电影。GrammarDo not say ‘The kitchen was a quite big room.’ Say The kitchen was quite a big room.be厨房是一个相当大的房间。2especially British English completely: Although they’re sisters, they’re quite different.sister 她们是姐妹﹐但是完全不一样。I’m afraid that’s quite impossible. 恐怕那是完全没有可能的。I think you’ve had quite enough to drink already!have我想你已经喝得够多了!3not quite almost, but not completely or not exactly: I’m not quite sure how much it costs.cost我不十分肯定要花多少钱。Lewis isn’t quite as fast as he used to be.use刘易斯跑得没有以前那般快了。I’m not quite finished.finish我还没有完全做好。THESAURUS almostPhrasesquite a/an/some used to emphasize that something is especially good, bad etc: He certainly made quite an impression on the kids.makekid他肯定给孩子们留下了相当深的印象。Brad’s quite some musician.布拉德是个出色的音乐家。quite a lot/bit/few a fairly large number or amount: They’ve had quite a bit of snow this year.havebite 今年他们那里下了不少雪。This painting is worth quite a lot of money.paintbe这幅画值很多钱。THESAURUS: quiterather/quite more than a little, but not very – used especially in British English: It’s getting rather cold.getThe test was quite difficult.beShe’s rather nice.fairly rather – used in both British and American English: I’m fairly sure.It’s a fairly big house.pretty informal rather. Pretty sounds a little stronger than rather and can sometimes also mean ‘very’: I was pretty embarrassed.beembarrassIt was pretty expensive.bereasonably rather – used especially when saying that someone or something is sure, good, healthy etc enough: I run every day, so I’m reasonably fit.We feel reasonably confident that we’ll win.somewhat rather – used especially when comparing things: These figures are somewhat higher than average.figurebehighThe situation is somewhat better now.bewell




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