

单词 inquiry
释义 inquiryinquiriesinquiryinquiry , enquiryenquiriesinquiriesenquiry /ɪnˈkwaɪəri $ ɪnˈkwaɪri, ˈɪŋkwəri/ noun [countable] (plural inquiries)1a question you ask in order to get informationinquiry aboutWe’re getting a lot of inquiries about our new bus service.getinquiry许多人来询问我们新的公共汽车服务。I’ll make some inquiries.inquiry我会去打听一下。2an official process to discover why something bad happenedinquiry intoa government inquiry into the causes of the disastercause政府对灾害原因的调查launch/set up/hold an inquiryThe police have launched a murder inquiry.launch 警方已对谋杀案展开调查。THESAURUS: inquiryquestion something that you ask someone, when you are either speaking or writing: Do you have any questions about the homework?questionI’ve emailed the hotel with one or two questions.emailquestionquery especially BrE a question that you ask when you want more information about something, or you want to check that something is true or correct: If you have any queries, contact the student accommodation office.queryOur staff are always available to answer customers’ queries.becustomerqueryinquiry (also enquiry especially BrE) a question that you ask officially, in order to find out more information about something: There have been a lot of inquiries from members of the public.beinquirymemberThe police have been making some inquiries in the area.bemakeinquiryrequest a statement, letter etc in which you officially ask for something that you need: The school has made a request for more money from the government.havemakeYou must make your request in writing.write




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