

单词 more
释义 moremoremore2 determiner, pronoun1a greater amount or number OPP lessmore ... thanThere’s more advertising than there used to be.advertiseuse现在广告比以前多。Orange juice costs more than beer in some bars.costbar有些酒吧橙汁比啤酒贵。2an additional number or amount: Would you like some more coffee?will你还要来点咖啡吗?some/a few moreI have to make a few more phone calls.call我还得再打几个电话。10/20 etc moreWe need five more chairs.chair我们还需要五把椅子。Phrasesmore and more an increasing number of something: These days, more and more people travel long distances to work.daydistance如今﹐越来越多的人赶远路去上班。more or less almost: The article says more or less the same thing as the other one.saylittle这篇文章和另一篇说的差不多一样。THESAURUS: more (sense 2)sense 2more in addition to what is already there, has already been made or used etc: He put some more logs on the fire.logMore people came into the room.comeanother one more: Can I have another biscuit?extra more of something, in addition to the usual amount or number: We get an extra day’s holiday this year.You can use the pool at no extra cost.spare a spare key, tyre, room etc is another one that you have in case you need to use it: It’s always best to have a spare key.welladditional formal more than the amount that was agreed or expected at the beginning: Additional troops will be sent to the region.troopsendadditional chargeschargefurther formal more, in addition to what there is already or what has happened already: For further information, call this number.farnumbShe has gone into hospital for further tests.havegofartest




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