

单词 movie
释义 moviemoviesmoviemovie /ˈmuːvi/ noun [countable]1especially American English a film that is shown at a cinema or on television SYN film: Do you want to see a movie tonight?你今晚想看电影吗?2the movies American English the cinema: How often do you go to the movies?movie你多久去看一次电影?COLLOCATIONS: movieverbsto watch/see a movieHe was watching an old horror movie.bewatchto go to a movieWe could go to a movie.canto appear in a movieShe has appeared in all his movies.haveappearmovieto star in a movie (=to play one of the main characters)Who starred in the movie ‘Elizabeth’?stara movie stars somebodya movie starring Will Smithstarto make/shoot a movieThey had already shot half the movie.haveshootto direct a movieHe wrote and directed the movie.writedirectto show/screen a movieWhat movies are they showing this weekend?moviebeshowa movie comes out (also a movie is released formal) (=becomes available for the public to see)The movie has already been released in the US.havebereleasetypes of moviea horror/disaster/action etc movieI love action movies.moviea hit movie (=a very successful movie)He starred in several hit movies.starmoviea classic movie (=an old movie that is very good)a scene from the classic movie ‘Casablanca’a cult movie (=one that a small group of people like very much and watch often)a showing of the cult movie ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’showa silent movie (=made before movies had sound)There were some great comic actors in silent movies.beactormoviemovie + nounthe movie industryIt’s hard to be successful in the movie industry.a movie starShe looked like a movie star.looka movie director/producerthe Oscar-winning movie director, Sydney Pollackwina movie premiere (=the first showing of a movie)She wore the dress to a movie premiere.wear




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