

单词 much
释义 muchmuchmuch1 /mʌtʃ/ adverb1a lotmuch better/easier/higher etcI’m feeling much better now.feelwell我现在感觉好多了。This test was much more difficult.be这次测验难多了。much too young/big/fast etcHe was driving much too fast.bedrive他开得太快了。‘Did you enjoy it?’ ‘No, not much (=not a lot).’do“你玩得开心吗?”“不是很开心。”Thank you very much.非常感谢。2much like something (also much (the same) as ...) very similar to something: It tastes much like butter.taste这很像黄油的味道。The house was much as I remembered it.beremember那房子还是我记忆中的样子。Phrasesnot much good (at something) not good at doing something: I’m not much good at cooking.cook我不太会做饭。so much, how much used to emphasize the amount or degree of something: He’d changed so much I didn’t recognize him.change他变化这么大﹐我都认不出他了。I know how much he likes Ann.like我知道他有多爱安。




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