

单词 myself
释义 myselfmyselfmyself /maɪˈself/ pronoun1the reflexive form of ‘I’: I made myself a cup of coffee.make我给自己冲了一杯咖啡。I went over to Jane and introduced myself.gointroduce我走到简跟前自我介绍。2used to emphasize ‘I’: Why do I have to do everything myself?为什么每一件事都要我亲自来做?I myself have never been there.be我自己从未去过那里。Phrases(all) by myself alone or without anyone else’s help: I went to the movie by myself.go我一个人去看了电影。I painted the house all by myself.paint这房子全是我一个人粉刷的。have something (all) to myself to not have to share something with anyone else: I’ve got the house to myself this weekend.get这个周末我一个人在家。




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