

单词 neck
释义 necknecksneckneck1 /nek/ noun [countable]1 the part of your body that joins your head to your shouldersaround sb’s neckShe wore a gold chain around her neck.wear她脖子上戴了一条金链子。2the part of a piece of clothing that goes around your neckV-necked/open-necked etca V-necked sweaterneckV 领套头毛衣3the narrow part near the top or end of something such as a bottle ➔ polo neck, V-neckPhrasesin this/sb’s neck of the woods informal in a particular area or part of the country: What are you doing in this neck of the woods?bedowood你在这里干什么?neck and neck if two people, teams etc are neck and neck during a race or competition, they are level with each other: The two main parties are still neck and neck in the opinion polls.partybepoll两大党派在民意测验中依然不分上下。be up to your neck in something informal1to have too much work to do: She’s up to her neck in work. 她工作正忙得不可开交。 2to be in a very difficult situation: He’s up to his neck in debt. 他债台高筑。




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