

单词 tube
释义 tubetubestubetube /tjuːb $ tuːb/ noun [countable]1a pipe made of glass, rubber, metal etc that liquids or gases go through: He had to be fed through a tube because he was so weak.havefeedbe他由于身体太虚弱﹐得通过管子进食。2 a container for a soft substance that you press between your fingers to make the substance come outtube ofa tube of toothpaste一管牙膏3a long round hollow object: a cardboard tube硬纸管4the Tube the railway system under the ground in London SYN subway American English: He took the Tube to Embankment.take 他乘地铁到堤岸站。Which is the nearest Tube station?benear最近的地铁站是哪一个?




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