

单词 convinced
释义 convincedconvincedconvinced AC /kənˈvɪnst/ adjective [not before noun] completely certain that something is true: You don’t sound convinced.convince 你听上去好像不是很信服。convinced (that)I am convinced the treatment is safe.beconvincebe我确信这种疗法是安全的。convinced ofIs she convinced of his guilt?beconvince她确信他有罪吗?THESAURUS: convincedsure believing that something is definitely true or correct: Are you sure Bill was there?bebecertain completely sure. Certain is more formal than sure: We are certain that you will find our website useful.beconvinced sure that something is true, even though you cannot prove it: She became convinced that he was in love with her.becomeconvincebepositive especially spoken completely sure that something is true, especially when other people are not sure: I’m positive you said we were meeting at seven.saybemeetsatisfied sure that you know the truth about something that has happened, because you have enough information: I am satisfied it was an accident.besatisfybeconfident sure that something good will happen or that you will achieve something: We are very confident of victory.beI’m confident that the show will be a great success.have no doubt (also be in no doubt) to have no doubts in your mind about something: I have no doubt that you’re right.




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