

单词 satisfy
释义 satisfysatisfiessatisfiedsatisfyingsatisfysatisfy /ˈsætəsfaɪ/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle satisfied, present participle satisfying, third person singular satisfies)1to make someone happy by doing what they want: I felt that nothing I did would ever satisfy my father.feeldowill我觉得无论我做什么都无法让父亲满意。2if you satisfy someone’s needs or demands, you provide what they need or wantsatisfy sb’s needs/requirements/demandsWe aim to satisfy the needs of our customers.needcustomer 我们力求满足顾客的需要。satisfy sb’s hunger/appetite/thirstA salad won’t be enough to satisfy your hunger.win一份沙拉是吃不饱的。3formal to make someone believe that something is true or rightsatisfy somebody/yourself (that)I want to satisfy myself that everything’s OK.我想让自己相信一切都好。




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