

单词 nonsense
释义 nonsensenonsensesnonsensenonsense /ˈnɒnsəns $ ˈnɑːnsens/ noun [uncountable]1statements or opinions that are not true or seem very stupid SYN rubbish British Englishabsolute/complete/utter nonsenseHe described the rumours as ‘absolute nonsense’.describerumour 他称那些谣传是“一派胡言”。nonsense aboutDo you believe all this nonsense about ghosts?ghost你相信这些关于鬼魂的瞎话吗?Now you’re talking nonsense.talk 你这是在胡说八道。I’ve never heard such a load of nonsense (=a lot of nonsense).hear 我从来没听说过这样的一派胡言。it is nonsense to do somethingIt’s nonsense to say that mistakes are never made.mistakebemake 从来不犯错误这种说法真荒唐。2stupid and annoying behaviour: I’m not putting up with any more of this nonsense!put我不会再容忍这样子胡闹了!3speech or writing that you cannot understand because it has no meaning—nonsensicalnonsensical /nɒnˈsensəkəl $ nɑːn-/ adjective




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