

单词 church
释义 churchchurcheschurchchurch /tʃɜːtʃ $ tʃɜːrtʃ/ noun1 [countable] a building where Christians go to pray ➔ cathedral2[uncountable] the religious ceremonies in a church: How often do you go to church?你隔多久去教堂做礼拜?3 (also Church) [countable] one of the separate groups within the Christian religion: the Catholic Church天主教THESAURUS religionGrammarWhen you are talking about ceremonies in churches, you do not use a or the: He goes to church every Sunday.go他每个星期天都去做礼拜。When you are talking about a church as a building, you often use a or the: We visited a famous church.visit我们参观了一座著名的教堂。the famous church of Saint Peter’s in Rome著名的罗马圣彼得大教堂




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