

单词 notice
释义 noticenoticesnoticenotice2 noun1[uncountable] when you notice or pay attention to someone or something: Don’t take any notice of her – she’s just annoyed.annoy 别理她﹐她只是在生气。I waved but she took no notice.wavetake 我挥了挥手﹐但是她没有注意到。It came to the notice of the committee (=they noticed) that many members had not paid their fees.comememberhavepayfee 委员会注意到许多会员还没有付会费。2[countable] a written or printed statement that gives information or a warning to people ➔ sign: I’ll put up a notice about the meeting.meet 我会贴一张会议通告。3[uncountable] information or a warning about something that will happen: You must give the bank three days’ notice before closing your account.dayclose取消账户必须提前三天通知银行。Phrasesat short notice British English, on short notice American English if you do something at short notice, you do not have much time to prepare for it: Thanks for agreeing to see me at such short notice.thankagree 谢谢你一接到通知就同意见我。THESAURUS suddenlyhand in your notice/give (your) notice to tell your employer that you will soon be leaving your job ➔ resign: She’s threatening to hand in her notice.threaten她扬言要辞职。until further notice from now until another change is announced: The store will be closed until further notice.closefar 本店停止营业﹐直至另行通知。COLLOCATIONS: noticeverbsto take notice (=to pay attention to something)I began to take notice when the subject of money came up.begincometo take no notice/not take any notice (=to ignore something or someone)The other passengers took no notice of what was happening.passengertakebehappento come to sb’s notice (=to be noticed by someone)This problem first came to our notice last summer.cometo escape sb’s notice (=to not be noticed by someone)It had not escaped his notice that Phil seemed interested in Jean.haveescapeseeminterestto bring something to sb’s notice (=to tell someone about something)I tried to bring the matter to the notice of the police.tryto attract notice (=to be noticed by other people)She didn’t want to attract notice, so she dressed very plainly.dressWord Choice: notice or sign?A notice shows written information and is attached to a board, door, post etc. It is often there only for a short time:There was a notice on the door which said ‘Do not disturb’.besay门上贴了一则“请勿打扰”的标牌。A sign shows information using symbols or writing. It is often permanent, and it sometimes stands on its own:There was a ‘No Entry’ sign at the end of the street.be街道尽头有一块“禁止入内”的标牌。a no smoking signsmoke“禁止吸烟”的告示牌




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