

单词 occasion
释义 occasionoccasionsoccasionoccasion /əˈkeɪʒən/ noun1a)[countable] a time when something happenson an occasionThey had met on several occasions.havemeetoccasion他们见过几次面。 b)[singular] a suitable time or a reason to do something: Christmas is an occasion to see old friends.befriend圣诞节是探望老朋友的好时机。2[countable] an important event: We’re saving the champagne for a special occasion.save我们把这瓶香槟酒留到特别的日子喝。Phraseson occasion(s) sometimes but not often: She can be very rude on occasion.有时她会很无礼。COLLOCATIONS: occasion (sense 2)sense 2adjectivesa special occasionThe room is only used on special occasions.beuseoccasiona big/great occasionThe cup final is a big occasion for us.bea happy/sad occasionA wedding is supposed to be a happy occasion.besupposeHe did not want his funeral to be a sad occasion.doa formal occasionWear something suitable for a formal occasion.a social occasionI prefer not to discuss business at social occasions.occasiona historic occasion (=one that is important as part of history)This is truly a historic occasion.bea ceremonial occasionThe hall is used for ceremonial occasions.beuseoccasionverbsto celebrate an occasionWe celebrated the occasion by going out for a meal.celebrategoto mark an occasion (=to do something special to celebrate an event)The bells were rung to mark the occasion.bellbering




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