

单词 of
释义 ofofof /əv, ə; strong ɒv $ əv, ə; strong $ ɑːv/ preposition1used to show what or who something belongs to or relates to: the colour of his eyeseye他眼睛的颜色a friend of Sam’s山姆的一个朋友the first part of the story故事的第一部分2used when talking about amounts or groups: two kilos of sugarkilo两公斤糖a cup of coffee一杯咖啡a herd of elephantselephant一群象3used to show the size or age of something: a rise of 9%9% 的增幅a child of eight一个八岁的孩子4used in dates: the 23rd of January, 19981998 年 1 月 23 日5used to mention a particular thing, after describing it as something: the city of New Orleans新奥尔良市the problem of unemployment失业问题6used to say what something shows: a photo of Paula’s baby葆拉的宝宝的相片7used to show direction: I live just north of here.我就住在这里的北面。8used after nouns describing an action to show who or what the action is done to or who did it: the testing of river water for chemicalstestchemical化验河水﹐检测其中的化学物质the arrival of British troopstroop英国军队的到来9written, made, produced etc by someone: the novels of Charles Dickensnovel查尔斯∙狄更斯的小说10used to say when something happened: the floods of 1997flood1997 年的洪水11used to show the cause of someone’s death: She died of cancer.die 她死于癌症。 ➔ of course at course1




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