

单词 often
释义 oftenoftenoften /ˈɒfən, ˈɒftən $ ˈɒːf-/ adverb1many times or regularly: I often work at the weekend. 我常常在周末工作。We should go out more often.shall 我们应该多出去。How often do you see your parents?parent你多久去看望父母一次?She’s quite often late for school. 她经常上学迟到。This kind of accident happens all too often.happen这类事故发生得太频繁了。2in many situations or at many times: Headaches are often caused by stress.headachebecause头痛往往是由压力引起的。Phrasesevery so often sometimes but not very frequently: I see him every so often. 我有时会和他见面。not very often used when saying that something happens rarely: It’s not very often that he visits us.visit他很少来看我们。THESAURUS rarelyGrammarYou usually use often before a verb: He often gets home late.get他经常晚回家。 You use often after the verb to be: The trains are often crowded.trainbecrowd火车常常很拥挤。If there are two or more verbs, often comes after the first one: I don’t often watch TV.我不常看电视。 THESAURUS: oftenoften many times or regularly: The weather’s often rainy at this time of year.We often meet for a drink after work.a lot often – used especially in informal English: I think she likes him – she talks about him a lot.liketalkHis wife goes abroad on business a lot.gofrequently often – used especially in more formal English: Passengers complain that trains are frequently late.passengertrainbeOlder patients frequently forget to take their medicine.oldpatientregularly often and at regular times: Buses run regularly every ten minutes.busminuteagain and again used to emphasize that someone does something many times, or the same thing happens many times: I’ve tried phoning again and again but there’s no answer.tryphoneThis washing machine has gone wrong again and again.washhavegorepeatedly used to emphasize that someone does something many times. Repeatedly sounds more formal than again and again: His doctor repeatedly told him to take more exercise.tellconstantly very often, especially when this is annoying or causes problems: I’m constantly being asked that question.beask




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