

单词 out
释义 outoutout1 /aʊt/ adverb, adjective1 a)from inside a place or container OPP in: Close the door on your way out.你出去的时候把门关上。out ofShe tipped cereal out of the packet into her bowl.tip她把麦片从盒子里倒进碗中。 b)no longer inside a place or container OPP in: The kids are out in the back garden.kidbe孩子们在外面后花园里。Ms Jackson is out right now (=not at home or not in her office).be杰克逊女士此刻出去了。out ofHe was thrilled to be out of hospital.bethrill出院了他很兴奋。2in or to a place far away: The family are due to fly out to America shortly.be 这家人不久将乘机远赴美国。3a light or fire that is out is no longer shining or burning: Turn the lights out when you go to bed.light上床时把灯关掉。4available to be bought: Morrison has a new book out this month.have这个月莫利森有一本新书出版。5spoken not possible: Skiing’s out because it costs too much.skicost滑雪是不可能的﹐因为太贵了。6not fashionable now OPP in: Bright lipstick shades are out.shadebe 鲜艳的口红颜色过时了。7if a number obtained by calculating is out, it is wrong: Their forecast of population increase was out by 5%.be他们对人口增长的预测有 5% 的误差。8not allowed to continue playing a game, according to its rules9if flowers on a plant are out, they have opened10if the sun or stars are out, they can be seen in the sky11if a secret is out, it has become known12if the tide is out, the sea is at its lowest levelPhrasesbe out for something/be out to do something informal to intend to get or do something: He’s just out to get attention.他就是想得到别人的注意。be out of something to have none of something left: We’re almost out of gas. 我们差不多没汽油了。8 out of 10/19 out of 20 etc used to say how many people or things in a group do something or are something: Eight out of ten teachers (=80 per cent of teachers) say they have too much paperwork to do.teacher 十位教师中有八位说他们有太多文书工作要做。out of curiosity/fear/pity etc because of curiosity, fear etc: She gave him the job out of pity.give 她把那工作给他是出于同情。out of trouble/danger/office etc not in trouble, danger etc: Keep out of trouble. 别惹麻烦。The patient is now out of danger.be 病人现已脱离危险。THESAURUS: outoutside not inside a building, but near it: They went outside to see what was happening.gobehappenHe was standing outside, smoking a cigarette.bestandsmokeout outside – used especially before prepositions or adverbs: We slept out under the stars.sleepstarI can hear somebody out there.Don’t stand out in the rain – come inside.outdoors (also out of doors) not inside buildings – used when talking about this as a healthy and enjoyable thing: The kids are outdoors all the time in the summer.kidbeThey wanted to have their wedding out of doors.wantdoorin the open air outside where the air is fresh: After a day in the office, I wanted to get out in the open air.wantLeave the wood to dry slowly in the open air.al fresco outside – used when talking about eating outside: Shall we have lunch al fresco?




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