

单词 accurate
释义 accurateaccurateaccurate AC /ˈækjərət/ adjective exact and correct OPP inaccurate: Patients should be given accurate information about their treatment.patientshallgive 病人应该被告知有关治疗的准确信息。These figures are not completely accurate.figurebe 这些数据并非准确无误。an accurate shotshoot一记精准的射门[投篮]—accuratelyaccurately adverbTHESAURUS: accurateright not wrong – used about an answer, decision etc, or about a person: You made the right decision.makeI’m sure you’re right.‘He’s about thirty, isn’t he?’ ‘That’s right.’correct right. Correct sounds more formal than right: The correct answer is 27.beYour father is absolutely correct.beaccurate information, measurements, descriptions etc that are accurate are completely correct in every detail: Are these measurements accurate?bemeasurementMake sure you have accurate information about the weather conditions.conditionexact an exact number, amount, or time is completely correct and is no more and no less than it should be: I can’t remember the exact date we moved.moveThe exact number of deaths is not yet known.numbdeathbeknow




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