

单词 outside
释义 outsideoutsideoutside1 /aʊtˈsaɪd, ˈaʊtsaɪd/ preposition, adverb1 not inside a building or room, but near it OPP inside: Can I go and play outside, Dad?我能去外面玩吗﹐爸爸?Wait outside, I want to talk to him alone.在外面等着﹐我想和他单独谈谈。He left an envelope outside my door.leave他在我门外留下一个信封。2further than the edge of a city, town etc: We live just outside Leeds.我们就住在利兹市外。outside of especially American English: a field outside of Roswell罗斯韦尔近郊的一片田地3further than the limits of a situation, activity etc: Teachers can’t control what students do outside school.teacherstudent教师无法控制学生在校外的活动。outside of especially American English: I have a lot of interests outside of football.interest 除了足球我还有许多嗜好。THESAURUS: outsideoutside not inside a building, but near it: They went outside to see what was happening.gobehappenHe was standing outside, smoking a cigarette.bestandsmokeout outside – used especially before prepositions or adverbs: We slept out under the stars.sleepstarI can hear somebody out there.Don’t stand out in the rain – come inside.outdoors (also out of doors) not inside buildings – used when talking about this as a healthy and enjoyable thing: The kids are outdoors all the time in the summer.kidbeThey wanted to have their wedding out of doors.wantdoorin the open air outside where the air is fresh: After a day in the office, I wanted to get out in the open air.wantLeave the wood to dry slowly in the open air.al fresco outside – used when talking about eating outside: Shall we have lunch al fresco?




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