

单词 bargain
释义 bargainbargainsbargainedbargainingbargainbargain2 verb [transitive] to discuss the conditions of a sale, agreement etc in order to get a fair dealbargain withpeople bargaining with tradersbargaintrader 和商贩在讨价还价的人们bargain forThey’re trying to bargain for better pay.trywell他们在要求加薪。bargain overunion leaders bargaining over wagesleaderbargainwage 就工资问题谈条件的工会领导人Phrasal verbsbargain for/on something phrasal verb to expect that something will happen: I hadn’t bargained on getting stuck in traffic.bargaingetstick我没想到会遇上塞车。The thief got more than he bargained for when his victim fought back.getbargainfight小偷偷窃不成﹐反遭对方奋力还击。




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