

单词 pack
释义 packpackspackedpackingpackpack1 /pæk/ verb1 (also pack up) [intransitive and transitive] to put things into cases, bags etc ready for a journey: Have you finished packing up yet?finishpack你行李收拾好了吗?Don’t forget to pack a warm coat.别忘了在包里放件保暖的外套。2[transitive] to put something into a container so that it can be moved, sold, or stored: Glass must be packed carefully.pack 玻璃器皿必须仔细包装好。pack something in/into somethingThe fish are packed in ice at sea.bepack鱼在海上用冰块保存好。3[intransitive and transitive] to go in large numbers into a place, or to make people or animals do this, until the place is too full ➔ packedpack into/in/ontoThousands of people packed into the stadium.pack成千上万的人拥进体育场。chickens packed together in tiny cageschickenpackcage挤在狭小笼子里的鸡Phrasal verbspack something ↔ in phrasal verb1 (also pack something into something) to do a lot of things in a short time: I don’t know how we packed so much activity into one weekend.pack我不知道一个周末我们怎么能做了那么多事情。2British English informal to stop doing a job or activity, especially because you do not enjoy it: Sometimes I feel like packing my job in.pack有时候我真想辞职不干了。pack somebody off phrasal verb informal to send someone to stay somewhere: We were packed off to camp every summer.bepack我们每年夏天都被送去夏令营。pack up phrasal verb1informal to finish work: I think I’ll pack up and go home early.我想我要结束工作早点回家。2British English informal if a machine packs up, it stops working because something is wrong with it: The television’s packed up again.pack这电视机又坏了。




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