

单词 penalty
释义 penaltypenaltiespenaltypenalty /ˈpenlti/ noun [countable] (plural penalties)1a punishment for not obeying a law, rule, or legal agreement: There’s a penalty of £50 for not paying your bus fare.pay不买车票罚款50 英镑。I’m against the death penalty (=the punishment of being killed).我反对死刑。2something bad that happens to you because of something you have done or because of the situation you are in: One of the penalties of being famous is the loss of privacy.penaltybebe 成名的弊端之一就是丧失了隐私。3a disadvantage in sports given to a team or player for not obeying a rule: Woodson received a penalty.receive伍德森受到了处罚。4a chance to kick the ball into the goal in a game of football, given because the other team has not obeyed a ruleTHESAURUS: penaltypunishment something that is done to punish someone: The court decided the original punishment was too severe.decidebeBilly was sent to bed early as a punishment.besendfine an amount of money that you must pay as a punishment: If you park here, you’ll get a fine.He faces a heavy fine.facepenalty an official punishment for someone who breaks a law, rule, or agreement: There should be tougher penalties for athletes who take drugs.shalltoughpenaltyathletedrugThe maximum penalty for this offence is five years in jail.beyearWhat’s the penalty if someone is late paying their taxes?bepaytaxsentence a punishment given by a judge in a court, especially a period of time in prison: The thief was given a two-year sentence.begivea prison sentencethe death penalty/sentence (also capital punishment) the system of killing people as a punishment for crimes: I don’t agree with capital punishment.He could face the death penalty.can




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