

单词 pity
释义 pitypitiespitypity1 /ˈpɪti/ noun1a pity spoken used when you are disappointed about a situation and wish it was different SYN shameit’s a pity (that)It’s a pity you can’t come.你不能来真是可惜。what a pity/that’s a pity‘We’re leaving tomorrow.’ ‘What a pity!’leave“我们明天要走了。”“太遗憾了!”2[uncountable] sadness that you feel for someone who is suffering or unhappy ➔ pitiful, pitiless: I listened to Jason’s story with pity.listen 我同情地听着贾森的讲述。Phrasestake/have pity on somebody to feel that you want to help someone who is in a bad situation: Anna looked so upset that Jean took pity on her.looktake安娜看上去非常不开心﹐琼很同情她。Word Choice: pity or sympathy?You use pity when you feel sad for someone because they are in a very bad situation:She looked at him with pity.look她怜悯地看着他。You use sympathy when you understand how someone feels, especially so that you want to help them:I have a lot of sympathy for the boy’s parents.parent我深深地同情那男孩的父母。




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