

单词 plan
释义 planplansplanplan1 /plæn/ noun [countable]1something you have decided to do, or an idea for doing something in an organized wayplan to do somethingThe company has plans to create 30 more jobs.haveplanjob公司有计划再创造 30 个工作岗位。plan forthe government’s plans for economic recoveryplan 政府的经济复苏计划2a drawing of a building, room, or machine as you would see it from above, showing its shape and measurements: An architect is drawing up some plans for us.bedrawplan一位建筑师在为我们画平面图。3a map showing roads, towns, and buildingsplan ofa street plan of London伦敦的街道图 ➔ floor plan, game plan, open planPhrasesPlan A your first plan, which you will use if things happen the way you expect: Plan A is to hire a car and drive along the coast.be第一方案是租一辆车沿着海岸去兜风。Plan B your second plan, which you can use if things do not happen the way you expect: It’s time to put Plan B into action.是时候采用第二方案了。COLLOCATIONS: planverbsto have plansShe has plans to go to college next year.haveplanto make plansHelen’s busy making plans for her wedding.makeplan ► Do not say ’do a plan’. Say make a plan.to come up with a plan (also to devise a plan) (=to think of a plan)They had to come up with a better plan.havewellto change your plansThey changed their plans at the last minute.changeplanto abandon a planHe was forced to abandon plans to reduce taxes.beforceplantaxto cancel a planI’ve had to cancel my plan to go to New York.haveto carry out a plan (=to do what you have planned)The plan was never carried out.becarryto stick to/keep to a plan (=to not do anything different)We’re sticking to our original plan.sticka plan works (=is successful)His plan had worked perfectly.haveworkto go according to plan (=to happen in the way that was planned)If things go according to plan, we’ll leave on Monday.thingaccordadjectivessb’s immediate plans (=what someone is going to do next)So what are your immediate plans after graduation?beplana good planYou need to have a good plan.a detailed planHe had written out a detailed plan.havewritedetailnoun + plana change of planThere’s been a slight change of plan.bea plan of action/attack/campaignThey agreed a plan of action.agreeTHESAURUS: planplan something you have decided to do, or an idea for doing something in an organized way: What are your plans for the weekend?beplanthe plan to build a new airportscheme British English an official plan, especially one that is intended to help people The American word for this is program: the state pension schemea scheme to build 3,000 new houseshouseplot/conspiracy a secret plan to do something bad or illegal, made by a group of people: He was involved in a plot to kill the king.beinvolvean international conspiracystrategy a careful plan for achieving something complicated that may take a long time: the company’s strategy for future developmentthe government’s economic strategyprogramme British English, program American English a series of activities intended to develop or improve something, especially arranged by a government or a big organization: America’s program for economic recoveryour staff training programmetraintimetable British English a plan of the exact times when something will happen, especially when trains or buses leave: the bus timetable




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