

单词 point
释义 pointpointspointpoint1 /pɔɪnt/ noun1something you mention [countable] an idea, fact, or opinion that someone mentions in a talk, discussion, or piece of writing: Before I stop, I’d like to make one final point (=mention one more thing).结束之前我想提出最后一个观点。I agree with that point.我同意那个观点。‘Have you spoken to Alan?’ ‘That’s a point (=a good thing to mention)! I completely forgot to tell him.’speakforget“你对艾伦讲了吗?”“对了!我完全忘了告诉他。”2most important thing the point the most important fact, idea, or part of a situation: The point is we just don’t have enough money.be关键是我们钱不够。I wish she’d hurry up and get to the point (=talk about the most important thing).我希望她抓紧时间谈正题。that’s not/beside the point (=that’s not really important)‘But I gave you the money back.’ ‘That’s not the point; you shouldn’t have taken it.’givetake“可是我已经把钱还你了。”“那可不管。你本来就不应该拿这笔钱。”3purpose [uncountable] (also the point) the purpose or reason for doing somethingpoint ofWhat’s the point of this meeting anyway?meet 这会议的目的到底是什么?The whole point of travelling is to experience new things.travelbething旅行旨在体验新鲜事物。There’s no point in going now – we’re already too late.go现在去毫无意义了 — 我们已经太迟了。4place [countable] a particular position or place: the point where two lines cross each otherline两条线的相交点Dover is a major point of entry into Britain.be 多佛尔是到英国的一个主要入口。THESAURUS place5in time/development [countable usually singular] a time or part of a process when something happens: At that point I began to get seriously worried.beginworry那一刻我开始非常担心了。I will probably sell the car at some point in the future. 将来某个时候我也许会卖掉这辆车。high/low point (=the best or worst part of something)the high point of his career他事业的顶峰reach/get to a pointIt got to the point where we both wanted a divorce.getwant已经到了我们双方都想要离婚的地步。6quality/feature [countable] a particular quality, ability, or feature that someone or something hassb’s/sth’s good/bad pointsHe has his good points.havepoint他有他的优点。The low price was one of its selling points (=features that will help to sell it).besellpoint价格低是它的卖点之一。Driving is not one of my strong points.drivebepoint驾车不是我的强项。THESAURUS disadvantage7in a game [countable] a unit used for showing the score in a game or competition: He is now only three points behind the leader.bepoint 现在他只落后领先者三分。score/lose a pointYou lose a point if you do not finish on time.如果不按时完成就要扣一分。8sharp end [countable] the sharp end of something: the point of a needle针尖9temperature boiling/freezing/melting point the temperature at which something boils, freezes, or melts: Heat the water until it reaches boiling point.reachboil把水加热到沸点。10measure on a scale [countable] a mark or measure on a scale: Stocks were down 12 points today at 4,298.stockbepoint今天股市下跌 12 点﹐收于 4,298 点。11between numbers [countable] the sign (.) used for separating a whole number from the decimals that follow it12directions the points of the compass directions such as north, south, east, and west: The ships made their way towards us from all points of the compass.shipmakepoint船只从四面八方逼近我们。13land [countable] a long thin piece of land that stretches out into the sea14small spot [countable] a very small spot: a tiny point of light一个小光点 ➔ breaking point, decimal point, point of view, starting point, turning pointTHESAURUS: pointplace an area, space, building etc – often used about somewhere that you visit or use for a particular purpose: We went to a place called Fordwell.gocallThis would be a good place to put the desk.willThey use his house as a meeting place.meetposition the exact place where someone or something is, in relation to other things: From this position, they could see the enemy’s camp.canThese plants prefer a light position.plantpoint a particular place on a road, river, path, line etc: The accident happened near the point where the two motorways meet.happenmotorwayThe sun is at its highest point at midday.behighspot informal a pleasant place where you go to relax, or a place where something happened: I know a nice spot for a picnic.It was on this spot that the Great Fire of London started.bestartlocation the place where someone or something is – used especially when you want to be exact, or when saying how suitable the place is: The map shows the exact location of the village.showThe house is in a very good location, about five minutes from the shops.beminuteshopsite an area of ground where something will be built, or where something important happened in the past: a building sitebuildthe site of a great battlePhrasesin point of fact formal used when emphasizing, correcting, or adding something: They said that the prisoner was being well treated. In point of fact, he looked sick and hungry.saybebetreatlook他们说犯人待遇不错﹐但实际上他看上去又病又饿。make a point of doing something to do something deliberately, even when it involves making a special effort: I always make a point of being early.be我总是特意提前到。be on the point of (doing) something to be going to do something very soon, when something happens: I was just on the point of leaving for work when the phone rang.beleavering我正要出去上班﹐电话铃响了。the point of no return the time when it becomes impossible to stop something from happening: I knew that we had passed the point of no return.knowhavepass我知道我们只能背水一战了。to the point mentioning only the most important things: Her next letter was short and to the point.be她下一封信简短扼要。to the point of something so much that something almost happens or is almost true: The bird has been hunted to the point of extinction.havebehunt这种鸟已被捕猎得几乎绝种了。up to a point partly, but not completely: He’s right, but only up to a point.他是对的﹐但只限于某种程度。COLLOCATIONS: pointadjectivesa good pointI think that’s a very good point.an interesting pointHe made some interesting points.makeinterestpointan important pointThere are two important points to remember.bepointverbsto make a pointI want to make the point that children’s books can be enjoyed by adults too.childbookenjoyadultto put/get your point across (=to make people understand it)Do you think we got our point across?getto raise a point (=to mention it)I was going to raise that point myself.begoto see/take/get sb’s point (=to understand it)I take your point, but there’s nothing I can do.to have a point (=to be right, or partly right)Maybe she has a point.haveto prove your point (=to prove that what you say is right)To prove his point, he described several similar cases.describecase




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