

单词 calculate
释义 calculatecalculatescalculatedcalculatingcalculatecalculate /ˈkælkjəleɪt/ verb [transitive]1to find out how much something will cost, how long something will take etc, by using numberscalculate how much/how many etcI’m trying to calculate how much paint we need.try 我在试着算出我们需要多少油漆。calculate (that)Sally calculated that the trip would cost about £2,000.calculatewill 萨莉算了一下﹐这趟旅行大约需要 2000 英镑。2to guess something using the information you havecalculate what/whether/how etcIt’s difficult to calculate what effect these changes will have.change 这些变化会产生什么影响很难估计。calculate (that)He’d calculated that she would be home by now.calculatewill 他估计此刻她已到家了。3be calculated to do something to be intended to have a particular effect: It seemed his letter was calculated to upset her.seembecalculate 他的信好像是故意要让她难过。




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