

单词 build
释义 buildbuildsbuiltbuildingbuildbuild1 /bɪld/ verb (past tense and past participle built /bɪlt/)1[intransitive and transitive] to make a building, road, bridge etc: They’re building new houses for local people.buildhouse他们正在为当地居民造新居。The Brooklyn Bridge was built in the 1870s.bebuild布鲁克林大桥建于 19 世纪 70 年代。be built of somethingMost churches were built of stone.churchbebuild大多数教堂都是用石头建的。build onAre there any plans to build on that land?beplan那块地上有什么建筑规划吗?THESAURUS make2 (also build up) [transitive] to develop something slowly: She had built a reputation as a criminal lawyer.havebuild她作为刑事诉讼律师已经树立了名声。My father built up the business himself.build我的父亲自己创办了这家公司。Phrasal verbsbuild something into something phrasal verb1to make something a permanent part of a wall, room etc: There are three cash machines built into the wall.bemachinebuild有三台自动提款机嵌入墙里。2to make something a permanent part of a system, agreement etcbuild on something phrasal verb1to use something you have done as a base for achieving more: We hope to build on what we learned last year.learn我们希望能在去年所学的基础上进一步发展。2build something on something to base something on an idea or feeling: Our relationship is built on trust.bebuild我们的关系建立在相互信任的基础上。build up phrasal verb1if something builds up, it gradually increases: Excitement was building up inside her.bebuild她内心越来越激动。2build sb’s hopes up to make someone think they will get what they want, when in fact it is unlikely: Don’t build her hopes up.hope不要让她抱太大希望。THESAURUS: buildbuild to make a building, bridge, road etc: When was your house built?bebuildconstruct to build a large building, bridge, road etc. Construct is more formal than build: The company plans to construct a new factory on the site.planput up/erect to build a wall, fence, building, or statue. Erect is more formal than put up: The neighbours have put up a new wooden fence.neighbourA monument was erected in his honour.beerectassemble to put all the parts of something together: The furniture is easy to assemble.be




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