

单词 chain
释义 chainchainschainchain1 /tʃeɪn/ noun1metal rings [uncountable and countable] a line of metal rings connected together: He wore a gold chain around his neck.wear他脖子上戴了条金项链。My bicycle chain (=that makes the wheels turn) has come off.have我的自行车链条脱落了。in chains (=having chains around your legs to stop you escaping)The prisoners were in chains.prisonerbechain囚犯们戴着镣铐。2of shops/hotels [countable] a group of shops, hotels etc that are owned by the same person or companychain ofa chain of restaurantsrestaurant连锁餐馆a supermarket chain超市连锁店3of mountains/islands [countable] a series of similar things in a line: a mountain chain一列山脉chain ofa chain of islandsisland一列岛群4of events/actions [countable] a series of related events or actions: the chain of events leading up to the wareventlead导致这场战争的一连串事件 ➔ food chain




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