

单词 be
释义 beamareiswaswerebeenbeingbebe2 verb [linking verb]1used to give or ask for information about someone or something, or to describe them: I’m hungry.我饿了。Her name’s Sally.她的名字叫莎利。Tom will be three next week.汤姆下周三岁了。Where are my keys?bekey我的钥匙在哪儿?The party’s on Saturday.聚会是在星期六。Mr Cardew was a tall thin man.be卡迪尤先生是个高高瘦瘦的男人。Their house is huge.be他们的房子很大。Is this your bag?be这是你的包吗?How long have you been here?be你来这儿多久了?2to behave in a particular way: He was just being silly.bebe他就是在犯傻。Don’t be rude.不要无礼。3used to give your opinion about somethingit’s/that’s nice/possible/strange etc‘John’s passed his driving test.’ ‘That’s great!’passdrive“约翰通过了驾照考试。”“太好了!”It’s strange that she hasn’t phoned.phone很奇怪﹐她没打电话来。Phrasesbe yourself to behave in a natural way: Don’t worry about impressing them – just be yourself.impress用不着刻意去打动他们—自然就行。be the be-all and end-all (of something) to be the most important part of a situation: Losing the match isn’t the be-all and end-all of everything.lose输掉比赛并非什么天大的事。somebody is not himself/herself used to say that someone seems to be unwell or unhappy: He hasn’t been himself for days.beday他不舒服有好几天了。there is/there are used to say that something exists or happens: There’s a hole in my shoe.我的鞋子上有个洞。Is there a problem?be有问题吗?Suddenly there was a loud explosion.be突然传来巨大的爆炸声。




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