

单词 power
释义 powerpowerspowerpower1 /ˈpaʊə $ paʊr/ noun1[uncountable] the ability to control or influence people or events ➔ powerful, powerless: the power of the mediamedium媒体的影响力power overPeople want to feel they have some power over their future. 人们想感觉到对自己的未来拥有一些主宰权。political/economic powerWorkers had little political power.workerhave工人几乎没有政治权力。2[uncountable] the position of having political control of a countryin powerThe Socialist Party were in power for five years.beyear社会党执政了五年。De Gaulle came to power (=began to control his country) in 1958.come戴高乐于 1958 年开始执政。power base (=an area or group of people whose support makes a politician or leader powerful)His strongest power base was in the northern state of Hayana.strongbe他最强有力的权力基础是在北部的哈亚那邦。3[uncountable and countable] the legal right or authority to do somethingpower to do somethingThe police have the power to stop and search people.警方有权把人拦住搜身。be in/within sb’s power (=be legally possible for someone)It’s within the power of the council to make this payment. 委员会有权支付这笔款项。The ambassador promised to do everything in his power to get the hostages released.promisehostagerelease大使承诺尽其所能使人质得到释放。4[uncountable] energy that is used to make a machine work or produce light, heat etc: nuclear power核动力wind power风力power failure/cut (=a time when the supply of electricity stops)The storm caused a power cut.cause这场风暴造成了停电。5[countable] a country that has a lot of influence over other countries: a meeting of world powersmeetpower世界强国的会议6[uncountable] force or physical strength: the power of the explosion爆炸的威力7[uncountable and countable] a natural or special ability to do something: After the accident he lost the power of speech (=ability to speak).lose那次事故后﹐他丧失了说话能力。powers of observation/concentration/persuasionHer powers of concentration were not helped by the noise.powerbehelp她的注意力受到了噪音的干扰。 ➔ balance of power, world powerPhrasesthe powers that be the people who have positions of authority: The powers that be would not want this story to become known.powerwillknow当局不会希望这件事流传开来的。




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