

单词 punch-up
释义 punch-uppunch-upspunch-upˈpunch-up noun [countable] British English informal a fightTHESAURUS: punch-upfight a situation in which two people or groups hit and try to hurt each other: The boys were always having fights when they were young.boybehavefightbeSeveral people were injured in a violent gang fight.beinjurescuffle a short and not very serious fight: There was a scuffle outside the cinema.beriot a situation in which a crowd of people behave violently in a public place, especially in order to protest against something: The demonstration turned into a riot and several police officers were hurt.turnofficerbebrawl a noisy fight between a small group of people in a public place: He was injured in a drunken brawl outside a pub.beinjurepunch-up British English informal a fight between two or more people, especially because of an argument: The game ended in a punch-up between the players.endplayer




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