

单词 strict
释义 strictstricterstricteststrictstrict /strɪkt/ adjective1a strict person makes sure that people always obey rules and behave well OPP lenient: a strict teacher一位严格的老师strict withShe’s very strict with her children.child她对自己的孩子很严。2a strict rule or order must be obeyed completely: I have strict instructions not to let anyone leave.instruction 我得到严格指示﹐不许任何人离开。He’s under strict orders to be home before dark.order他被严格要求天黑前回家。3always behaving according to a set of rules or religious beliefs: a strict Muslim一名严守教规的穆斯林a strict vegetarian严格的素食者4[only before noun] the strict meaning of a word is its exact meaningTHESAURUS: strictstrict making sure that people always obey rules and behave well: His father is very strict.befirm showing that you are in control of a situation and will not change your opinion: You have to be firm with children.childtough determined that your orders or decisions will be obeyed, especially in order to improve a situation: We need to get tough on criminals.criminalThe boss was tough but fair.beharsh punishing or criticizing someone in a way that seems very severe, often too severe: Perhaps I’ve been a little too harsh with her.be




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