

单词 push
释义 pushpushespushpush2 noun [countable usually singular]1when someone pushes something OPP pull: If the door’s stuck, give it a push.stick如果门卡住了﹐推一下就行。2when people try very hard to achieve somethingpush forthe party’s final push for victory该党争取胜利的最后努力Phrasesat a push British English informal used to say that something can be done if necessary, but it will be difficult: We have room for five people, six at a push. 我们有够五个人待的地方﹐不得已时也挤得下六个人。give somebody the push British English informal1to end a relationship with someone: She gave her boyfriend the push.give她把男友甩了。2to make someone leave their job: His boss has given him the push.havegive他被老板解雇了。when/if push comes to shove if a situation becomes very difficult or action needs to be taken: If push comes to shove, I can always rent out the house.comerend实在没有办法时﹐我总还可以把房子租出去。




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