

单词 quote
释义 quotequotesquotedquotingquotequote1 AC /kwəʊt $ kwoʊt/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to repeat exactly what someone else has said or writtenquote fromShe quoted from a newspaper article.quote 她引用了报纸上一篇文章的内容。A company spokesman was quoted as saying that 2,000 people may lose their jobs.bequotesayjob报道引述了一位公司发言人的话﹐说 2000 人将会失业。 2[transitive] to mention something as an example to support what you are saying: Wilkins quoted several cases where errors had occurred.quotecaseerrorhaveoccur威尔金斯举了几个出错的例子。3[transitive] to tell a customer the price you will charge them for something




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