

单词 reality
释义 realityrealitiesrealityreality /riˈæləti/ noun (plural realities)1[uncountable and countable] what actually happens or is true, not what is imagined or thoughtreality ofCrime is one of the realities of living in the city.berealitylive 犯罪活动是城市生活的真实状况之一。She refuses to face reality.refuse 她不肯面对现实。the harsh/tough realities (=unpleasant things that are real)the harsh realities of unemploymentreality失业的严峻现实2become a reality/make something a reality to begin to exist or happen, or to make something do this: Her dream had become a reality.have 她梦想成真。Phrasesin reality used to say that something is different from what seems to be true: He said he’d retired, but in reality he was fired.sayretirebefire他说他退休了﹐但实际上他是被解雇的。




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