

单词 reason
释义 reasonreasonsreasonreason1 /ˈriːzən/ noun1[countable] a fact that explains why something happens or why someone does somethingreason forHe wouldn’t give the reasons for his decision.reason 他不肯解释为何作出这个决定。reason whyThere are several reasons why the treatment didn’t work.bereason 治疗不见效有几个原因。reason (that)The reason I’m calling is to see if you’re free on Monday.callbe 我打电话来的原因是想看看你星期一是不是有空。for a reasonThe bridge was closed for safety reasons.beclosereason 这座桥出于安全理由关闭了。GrammarDo not say ‘the reason of the delay’. Say the reason for the delay.(迟到原因) 2[uncountable and countable] a fact that makes it right or fair to do something(no) reason to do somethingThere is no reason to panic.be没理由惊慌。I have no reason to believe that he’s lying.lie 我没有理由认为他在撒谎。You had every reason (=very good reasons) to be suspicious.have 你完全有理由感到怀疑。3[uncountable] sensible ideas or advice: He won’t listen to reason (=be persuaded by sensible advice).win他听不进道理。He is the voice of reason.be 他代表着理性的声音。4[uncountable] the ability to think, understand, and make good judgments: our powers of reasonpower我们理性思考的能力Phrasesfor obvious reasons used to say that it is not necessary to explain why, because it is obvious: This door must be kept locked, for obvious reasons.keeplockreason这门必须一直关着,原因显而易见。for some reason used to say that you do not understand why: For some reason, I felt like crying.feelcry不知道为什么,我有些想哭。within reason within reasonable limits: You can go anywhere you want, within reason.你想去哪里就可以去哪里﹐只要有分寸。COLLOCATIONS: reasonverbsto have a reasonI had no reason to dislike her.haveto have your reasons (=to have a secret reason for doing something)I don’t know why she left, but I guess she had her reasons.leavehavereasonto give a reason (=to say what the reason for something is)Did she give any reason for being late?dobeto explain the reasons for somethingExplain the reasons for your choice.reasonto think of/see a reasonI can’t see any reason why she would lie.willI’m trying to think of a reason why he did it.trydoadjectivesa good reasonThere’s a very good reason why you should listen to me.shallthe main reasonHer main reason for leaving was that the pay was too low.leavebebethe only reasonThe only reason I came is that I wanted to help you.comebewantthe real reasonNobody knows the real reason why they split up.knowa major reason (also a big reason informal)His personality was a major reason for his success.beA big reason for the decrease in smoking is the ban on cigarette advertising.smokebeadvertisea simple reason (=one that is easy to understand)We chose him for one simple reason: he was the best.choosebewelllegal/medical/personal etc reasonsThe boy cannot be named for legal reasons.namereasonHe resigned for personal reasons.resignreasonTHESAURUS: reasonreason something that explains why something happens, or why someone does something: She told them the reason for her visit.tellThere are lots of good reasons for studying Chinese.belotreasonstudyexplanation the reasons that help you understand why something happens, especially something that seems difficult to understand: I can’t think of any other explanation for his behaviour.The only explanation I can think of is that there must be something wrong with your hard disk.beexcuse a reason you use to explain why you did something bad, or did not do something you should have done – especially a reason that is not completely true: She always makes excuses for not doing her homework.makeexcusedoHe says he has a cold, but I’m sure that’s just an excuse.sayhavemotive a reason that makes someone decide to do something, especially a crime: Police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.bejustification a reason for doing something that seems wrong: There is no justification for cruelty to animals.beanimalgrounds a reason that makes it right or fair to do something, especially according to official or moral rules: The court will decide if she has grounds for divorce.haveground




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